Friday, April 22, 2011

"Don't worry, be happy"

Simple, but sage advice.  Thank you Bob Marley for putting it so bluntly.  I need less worry and more happy; I think we all do.
Happy Earth Day!!

I don't know if is something to do with it being spring, or so close to the end of the semester, but I cannot stop thinking about what else I could be doing, how else I could be spending my time.  I am the kind of person who doesn't want to miss out on anything, much the same way little kids don't want to go to bed for fear that something terribly exciting will happen and they will miss out on it.  What follows has only enhanced these feelings.  Words simply cannot express who utterly disappointed I was/have been/am at finding out that I will not be able to graduate in December.  I have to wait until next April before I can don the robes and slip my tassel from the left to the right (or is from the right to the left?).  Its been really hard to stay positive in that regard.  It is obviously no one's fault but my own.  I am working on consoling myself with my trip to Hungary in June.  I need it!  I love new and exciting things, so a break from the consistency of classes will be much appreciated.  I cannot wait to eat and drink everything!!  And hopefully I will have a camera by then so that I can photo-document everything to go with the plethora of stories I promise to bring back.  Lucky for me, stories (and the miming that usually accompanies them) don't take up any space in my one carry-on bag and they are one size fits all.

I did not make a New Years resolution;  don't usually.  I find it kind of kitschy and something people too often make and too often do a crap job with the follow-up--myself included.  I am thinking of making an "Earth-Day" resolution.  The fact that it is an "Earth Day" resolution coincides partly with the fact that it happens to be Earth Day, but also with the fact that if I don't love myself, why should anyone else?  If I want to be a better person then I have to focus on myself first.  I am going to try putting my thoughts down on paper more.  It is a way for me to collect all of the bits and pieces of thoughts floating around in the miasma of my mind and coagulate them into something decipherable.  I am generally a positive person, but sometimes I hide behind the positive attitude so as to avoid something that I should actually be paying attention to.  If the point of anthropology (my major in this ever-continuing journey called school) is to observe, interpret and learn about others, why couldn't I do that with myself?

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