Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cider and Jam

I found a recipe for taking unfiltered apple juice and making hard cider out of it! I decided to try it, if it works maybe I'll post how I did it.

I also found a Loquat tree in my apartment complex while biking home from campus. On my way to check the mail later, I stopped by and shook a bunch free. I'm going to eat a few, and turn the rest into jam!

Loquat Jam Instructions
WASH YOUR HANDS! Wash fruit, remove seeds (save and give to friends!), and blossom ends from whole ripe fruit. Chop fruit and place in deep pot. Cover, but just barely, with cold water. Cook until tender and deep red.

Add 3/4 cup organic Demerara sugar (or honey) to 1 cup of loquat pulp. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Pour into hot sterilized jars and seal with sterilized lids. It is best to cook small batches of no more than 5 cups of fruit pulp in one kettle.

Because I don't have actual canning equipment, I will be freezing mine as soon as the jars cool.

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